Monday, June 29, 2009

“A Better World”

Why can’t we all just get along? It is fine and good to have pride and try to help your own race, but why does this have to be at the expense of other races? Can’t we see that putting down others just to make ourselves look or feel better is counter-productive? Does it really make you any better? Of course it doesn’t, instead I believe it is just a way for us to try to justify ourselves and use the belittlement of others to make us feel better, superior.

My belief is that we all feel anger, resentment, and jealousy towards others. These emotions just fester and eat away at our insides causing unwanted stress on both our mind and body. Having such a closed and prejudicial mind can only cause unneeded pain and suffering to ourselves and others. These feelings lead to wars, terrorism, and all types of misguided violence.

People shouldn’t be grouped together by their race. All people are different, good, bad, crazy or sane. Categorizing an entire race as either good or evil is equivalent to suggesting that all the members of one family are basically the same. I don’t know about you, but I have four brothers and three sisters and each one is completely different from the other. I also have two children who are completely opposites of each other.

I believe it's not our race or even our bloodlines that make us who we are. Instead I believe it is a combination, of how we were brought up and who we spend our time with. The importance of our friendships and the type of people we align ourselves with can’t be underestimated, they form our beliefs and values. Maybe you notice how when you are around someone who curses a lot, you find yourself cursing more. Do you think being around someone who is very racist may even have a slight influence on you and your perceptions of different races?

Please try and keep an open mind, realize that everyone is different and judge them for their own deeds and personalities. Life is hard enough without the added self imposed pressure of hate without reason. See everyone for who they are, individuals, not an identical clone of others in their race or even their families. Be blind to race and color and see how many friends you can make, get a look at the real world through the eyes of others, and maybe you’ll achieve a more enriched, exciting life.

“F” Me? “F” You!

“F” stands for “FANTASTIC” in my world. No negative connotations here! The trick is to stay positive, find the good in everything. Being pessimistic only brings feelings of depression and worry. This is a self-destructive mindset, creating misery and exhaustion, it is a self-defeating premise.

Think about it, does telling yourself (something will probably go wrong), make you feel good? I very much doubt it. Why then do so many of us constantly tell ourselves and whoever will listen, just how bad things are or probably are going to be. The world is full of so much negativity that gets thrown at us every day in the news. Do we really need our minds piling on?

Let’s try to turn this around. Instead of seeing all doom and gloom in everything, how about looking at it from a different point of view? We’ve all heard the old saying “If life throws you lemons, make lemonade.” Stop and think what this is really trying to say, if some unexpected or unwanted circumstance is put in front of you, take it as a challenge and brainstorm ways of either improving on your endeavor or sitting back and relaxing with a nice cool glass of lemonade. Just kidding! What I meant to say is taking what’s been thrown at you and making any adjustments necessary to either improve or alter your plans to make the best of the situation. Look at every situation in a positive light, see opportunity in every obstacle.

Think how fantastic you’d feel, how incredibly creative you could be. Change happens every day, in everything. Nothing ever really stays the same in this world. You may not notice the changes because they move so slowly (every journey begins with one step), or are so small (remember the snowball effect), or because you just aren’t paying attention, but the changes are happening just the same. You are changing all the time whether you realize it or not. Why not put forth a little effort and concentrate on the positives in life? Change happens, and change is good, help change along, let it work for you!

Every day is a new day, if you don’t like something from yesterday make any necessary changes or adjustments today in order to reset your life to follow the path you choose. You may not be able to repair it immediately, but the sooner you start to make the adjustments the quicker you’ll see the results.
If you have a tragedy in your life such as the loss of a friend or loved one, instead of dwelling on what you’ll miss or other negative thoughts, think of what you’ve gained from just knowing this person or the experience you’ve learned from the situation. The best way to honor someone is to make use of whatever you’ve learned from them and come to the realization that their teachings stay alive as long as you use them or impart them to others. Your actions will mean more to them then your inaction. Their death will truly remain a tragedy if nothing that was learned through their life is made use of and passed on to others. Keep their spirits alive by keeping their teachings alive. Something positive can be learned from every situation, you just need to look hard enough.

The loss of a job just gives you the opportunity to take what you’ve learned and expand on your options. Experience gained from your former job can be used in your next job or occupation. There is something to be learned from everything, if you don’t learn from every experience you are simply wasting time and life is too short for that. It’s never too late to learn and never too early to make use of what you’ve learned. Get started today, it’ll make your tomorrows brighter.

The trouble with starting something is that once the initial excitement is over, we tend to lose our enthusiasm for the project and many times the project stagnates or just disappears. An example would be starting an exercise program. One day you’re excitedly working out, feeling good about yourself for having the drive to put forth the effort to get into shape. Not many days or weeks later you tell yourself “I don’t feel like working out today, I think I’ll just skip it today and get back at it tomorrow.” The thing is, tomorrow never comes, all the hard work you’ve accomplished to that point goes for naught.

What if we could prolong that initial startup excitement and hold onto it forever? Do you think we may be able to accomplish a little more of our original goals? With the ability to keep, and build on that excitement, we could do some astounding things. How do we accomplish this feat?

Let’s take every day one day at a time. Treat each day as the start of a new project, it may not be a new project, but since everything is in a constant state of flux the situation has had to of changed at least somewhat. No two days are exactly the same, and we have no idea how this new day will lay out or what new and exciting things may come about. If you started an exercise program yesterday, make today the first day of the workout, and then make tomorrow the first day of the workout. Continue doing this every day, tell yourself, “I’m excited because this is the start of my exercise program.” They say that it takes 30 days to create a habit, let’s make it a good habit, and by starting fresh every day let’s continue to keep that initial enthusiasm and see our projects through to completion, and beyond!

Use this same concept for anything you want to accomplish in your life. I used the exercise program as an example because it’s something that everyone could relate to. The whole idea is to keep that child-like; Santa is coming excitement, in everything you do. Wouldn’t life be fantastic if everyday felt like Christmas?

Speaking of Christmas, how much better off would the world be if everyone had the Christmas spirit every day? Think of how you feel when it really hits you! You slow your life down and take the time to really see the beauty and wonder in the world. A feeling of joy and contentment fills your insides, and you feel as though everyone is your friend. You feel a warm glow from within you and can’t help but smile. Others around you see your smile and pleasant manner and smile back at you.

Happiness can be infectious! I see a world of one race, no color, no prejudice. There is only one true race after all, the human race! If we all treated each other in the spirit of Christmas this world could indeed be a paradise.

Get Rid of the Rules and Life is Easy!

Life could be so much simpler if a lot of the rules and regulations were done away with. Take the tax structure; most people have no idea what it all means! The people who really need the deductions don’t know how to get them, so they end up paying more taxes than they need to. While the people who are already well off are the only ones who can afford to pay the lawyers and accountants that either know the tax laws or know how to get around them. Does a system like this make sense in a country that prides itself on equality for everyone?

Why is it that any and all paperwork that needs to be filled out has to have so much and so confusing language in it? Is it really needed? When we buy a car or a house for example, can’t the lease simply state that you are purchasing the item and agree to pay so much, over such and such a time? Get rid of all the excess jargon that nobody really reads or understands.

The Evolution, Or The Degradation of Society?

Is society in an evolution? Or is it in degradation? Now I’m all for the freedom of speech, But, I have to say that all the violence, swearing, and near nudity shown on television or heard on the radio these days go over the top. Does society really believe this has no effect on the youth of America? Can we really be that gullible? Of course it’s the producers, advertisers, and whoever else is profiting from this type of media that are telling us there is no correlation between these negative forms of media and the ever rising crime rate, drug use, swearing, and general lack of respect of today’s youth.

Gang violence, prejudice, terrorism, are all negative side effects of this trash media. Whatever happened to the FCC rules and regulations limiting what was acceptable in the media? Did they just disappear? Did the sensible regulators die, or get fired? How is it that the government lets this continue? Remember when the President of the United States was respected? Law enforcement was respected? Parents were respected? I realize it was a long time ago. My belief is that all the negative media had a very direct and significant effect on these issues.

I also believe the fact that both parents have to work to support their family has an equally significant effect on today’s society. Not only does this fact take parental supervision away from the children, it also takes away from the family unity, leaving the children feeling resentful and neglected by their parents. With both parents working full time, and the children running a muck, this also produces a stressful situation for the parents, which I think is one of the major causes for the divorce rate being so incredibly high. Another side effect is the fact that the children now have to deal with the stressed out parents, not to mention having to listen to all the arguments the parents get into.

Over the years these children grow into adulthood, have children of their own, and are then passing along this dysfunctional lifestyle to them. As we know, things either evolve or they devolve, so either society repairs itself or it steadily worsens.

Slow Your Roll!

Have you ever noticed that when you have the time to do the things you want, you just don’t have the money to do it? As it goes, when you have the money to do these things you just don’t have the time. Either you are out of work, no money, or are working many hours, tired and stressed, and haven’t got the time or energy. How can we ever truly enjoy our lives with situations like these? Why do we work our lives away and not get the pleasure out of it we all deserve? What kind of life is that?

Hurry, hurry, hurry! Have you noticed how everyone is always in such a hurry? Hurry, no time to eat a good meal, no time to go to the doctors, and no time to exercise. Hurry, drop the kids off to daycare so that a couple of strangers can raise them as best they can, along with the 30 other kids there raising. Hurry, I can’t be late for work so I have to leave extra early in case there’s an accident on the expressway! Why do you think there are so many accidents anyways? I’ll bet the main reason is they were in a hurry! Road rage? It’s caused by stress due to hurrying.

We all need to slow our lives down, find ways to enjoy ourselves; you know what they say about all work and no play. What are we all in such a hurry about anyways? The only thing that’s really achieved by this hectic lifestyle is to get us closer to deaths door. All the unneeded stress we put on ourselves only harms our health.

“Slow your roll” is a saying used by today’s youth. This is one of their sayings that adults need to pay attention to.

“Women and Men, Are We Really That Different?”

Isn’t it amazing how women can have a whole conversation about what everyone had for dinner? Men don’t care about all the details, just give them the basics, that’s about all their attention span can handle. It’s just one of the many differences between women and men.

Women care so much about what everyone is wearing, their hair style, generally anything that has to do with a person’s appearance. A guy on the other hand doesn’t care so much how things look, only that it’s represented by their favorite team, or player.

Men seem to live for sports; men can talk sports for hours and hours. For some reason men are more passionate about their favorite sports teams than they are about most anything else in their lives. I think it has to do with the fact that they never achieved the greatness they hoped while they participated in sporting events, and they live vicariously through the professional athletes they never were. It’s a macho thing.

Women feel an incredible need to have the newest fashion trend and feel belittled without it. They can’t stand one of their friends having something they don’t. Women need multiple shoes, purses, and styles of jewelry. This is how a woman measures herself.

My mother was not at all like the women of today, she could care less what the styles were, or that her friend bought a new purse. She was all about the family. Making sure the family was taken care of was the most important thing in the world to her.

My father wasn’t like the men of today either; he didn’t care what was happening in the sports world. He was a worker, he only cared that his family had the necessities, and he did whatever he had to in order to ensure the families health and well-being.

The difference in values from their time to today is remarkable. It’s also remarkably sad. Why is it we care more about objects and games than for our families? While this might not exactly be true, it does seem our values are a little askew. What happened to cause the worth of family to be so taken for granted?

Can’t people see how society has deteriorated? Civilization is not progressing, it’s digressing. Parents are working longer hours just so they can buy a bunch of superficial, unnecessary items. This takes time away from the family; you can never buy more time. The fact that both parents have to work makes family life hard enough. Children need all the family time they can get; there are far too many bad influences out there in the world today.

Why are there so many divorces? I believe the fact that today’s economy necessitates both spouses working has a great affect on the marriage. Fights about money, taking care of the kids, and the fact that both spouses are stressed and tired from working all day definitely have a negative impact on family life. Both spouses feel trapped, desperate, trying to figure out some way to improve their situation. They feel like failures, that they are letting their family down, not providing the way they should. All these negative feelings gradually drive a wedge between them, they soon associate their spouse with these feelings and divorce becomes imminent.

Society needs to take a real long hard look at itself. Maybe if we cut out all the little extras we place so much value on, and concentrate on what really matters in our lives, we can evolve and have the life we deserve.