Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Turtle Perseverance"

I was sitting outside the front of my house one morning just observing nature and contemplating my life. I watched the clouds, the ants at my feet, the birds flying by. There were two little lizards running around as if playing a game of tag. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a cat appear from the brush that ran along the little canal across the street, nothing special about that except it next brought my attention to a dark object that wasn’t there a few moments ago. It piqued my interest so I decided to walk closer to get a better look. It was a turtle. As I watched the turtle it started to move, slowly and deliberately it proceeded on its journey, stopping at times before venturing onward.

As I studied this creature I suddenly realized just how similar it was to the human race. The turtle struggles through life slowly searching for a path to reach its ultimate goal. It often has to alter its course as unforeseen obstacles get in its path, he either goes over the impediment or he goes around it. The main thing is he has a set goal that he’s trying to reach and no matter what gets in his way or how long it takes he perseveres. The turtle has the fortitude to keep going after his goal no matter what, sometimes even if it kills him.

Now through their journey they take adequate time to rest and eat so they’ll have the strength to reach their final destination. And at times they feel fear and go into hiding inside their protective shell. But eventually they find the courage to go back out into the world and to realization of their goal. The turtle knows that it will never reach its destination and the accompanying reward if it doesn’t at least try.

I’m sure you to can see the many similarities between the turtles journey and our own. So when life gets you down and you feel like giving up, take a lesson from the turtle and go for your goal no matter how long it takes or how many obstacles get in your way!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Quite The Paradox!!!"

*When we feel bad about ourselves it seems to make it harder to help others, yet when we help others doesn’t it make us feel better about ourselves?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

“To Thine Own Self Be True”

Why do we all copy each other and try to be alike? It’s not in our similarities but in our differences that make us unique and give us true worth. Imagine how boring life would be if every one was the same. Yet, for some strange reason people who are out of the ordinary, or who have an unusual idea or way of doing things are often chastised and ridiculed.

Why? I think its society’s way of dealing with the fact that they are jealous that they themselves didn’t have the creativity or the courage to be different. Could this be the reason there is so much anxiety, depression, stress and anger in the world? Are many of us suppressing our true inner feelings for the fear of being different, or of becoming an outcast?

I believe one reason for the numerous suicides and widespread drug use is that we feel trapped and helpless due to the fact that society is geared toward conformity. This makes it hard for people to express their true selves as well as their true passions. Shouldn’t we embrace our individuality instead of feeling as if we have to hide them?

Imagine all the new inventions, discoveries, and visions the world is missing out on. There is a possibility that some of the most creative, ingenious minds in the world may not have the inner strength to face our conformist society. All the gifts and talent in the world are of no value if they go unused.

In society we fear and ridicule that which we don’t understand. The United States is supposed to be a country of freedom, the only way to truly feel free is to express your true self. Embrace your uniqueness and cultivate your gifts and talents. Who knows what your mind may come up with if you simply get out of its way? “To Thine Own Self Be True!”

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

“I AM”

I am he who is me
And me who is I
Who sits and just thinks
When they know they can fly

I am all that I am
And all that is me
Still trying to understand
The world that I see

My knowledge though growing
Is far from complete
My accomplishments showing
My trials to compete

As my life goes on
It’s become plain to see
That all that I am
 Is not all that I’ll be

Monday, May 17, 2010

"What's Really Important?"

Why do we care so much about things that mean so little? Why is it we put so little time into the really important aspects of our lives? I believe that one way to answer these two questions is our never-ending search for finding the easy, more comfortable way in all that we do. If one way seems to take less effort than the other we have a tendency to take this route.

Many of us choose to focus on things that truly have little or no real effect on our lives in an attempt to avoid having to deal with things or situations that are important and have a real, tangible effect on us. Examples of this are watching television, unnecessary shopping, sports, movies; all are an attempt to escape reality and the things that truly matter. These things can give us a temporary high, though if things don’t go right with them we may allow these meaningless things to ruin our day.

How ridiculous and sad is it that when our team loses a game, we may yell at the kids, or argue with the wife! Does the fact our team lost have any real effect on our lives? Not really, only what we let it. While we all need an escape from reality once in awhile, many of us have a tendency to let these little distractions take over our lives.

We need to take back our lives; instead of watching others live and perform for our entertainment we need to get out there and live life. Do things instead of watching them be done! If you’re not living you’re dying! Choose to live!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"My Perfect church"

In my ideal church, everyone would be welcome; help would be offered to all. The church would not pressure or guilt anyone into making donations, or make people feel they need to give more, to get more. Our church wouldn’t be built on money like so many others are today; we would seek to build a nice simple church that would make people feel comfort and at ease when they enter, and full of joy and hope when they leave. Our mission is to give the hope, guidance, and unending support needed to all we meet, inside or outside of the church.

My belief is that God does not want to be feared or worshiped as so many religions would have us believe. I have to believe that God is like a father watching over his children, and all he really wants from us is love and respect, as well as our being as morally pure as we can. The most important thing we can do for him is to be the best we can be, and to help our fellow man to be their best.

There are too many churches out there that offer their help with one hand while asking for money with the other. Too many televangelists on television who put on a huge theatrical production of what god wants us do, only to manipulate us into sending them money. Do you really think the so called blessed jewelry they offer (for a small donation of course) will really help you? These people use religion to get to you, and to your wallet.

We then have the big churches, the ones who receive massive amounts of donations. Why is it they feel the need to spend so much of these donations on making the church so extravagantly beautiful? Is it vanity, greed, or is it because they think it will bring in more parishioners? Maybe it will, but I would rather all that wasted money be used to help the people in need. And of course many of these preachers need a big fancy house, an expensive vehicle, and even an RV, in order to better help others.

All the big extravagant displays of how well their church is doing does nothing to help the needy. These are selfish, vain, and greedy displays as well as a misuse of donations, bordering on criminal acts. They give religion a bad name. A large number of people stay away from religion due to these misguided and sometimes even corrupt individuals or organizations. The news is full of church misuse of funds, cover-ups, and other negative instances.

The children and young adults of today are receiving mixed signals about religion, they are told to believe in god and to follow his beliefs, yet they see that so many of these religious leaders are not practicing what they are preaching. Could this be one of the reasons for the deterioration of society? People need guidance, and they need positive role models. We need to bring religion back to respectability and hold our religious leaders to a higher standard.

Religion shouldn’t be something we dread, it should offer a fun, enlightening, joyful time where people from all walks of life can come together to learn of gods ways and of each other. There should be no pressure placed on anyone to do or say anything. Going to church should be a time of ease, where we can relax and be ourselves without fear of judgment. What good is church if you are putting up a front and are not truly honest about who you really are inside. You shouldn’t be afraid to go to church because you can’t afford to make a donation or your clothes aren’t nice enough. Church shouldn’t cater to the privileged, everyone, no matter their race or circumstance should feel welcome and embraced. Let’s take the fear and embarrassment out of going to church and replace it with a spirit of hopefulness, and excitement of learning more about ourselves and forming new friendships with others.

We all need help and support sometimes in our lives, the church should be one of our greatest sources for both. People do need people, and everyone needs something to believe in. Let’s help give god and the church the chance to offer both.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thank You!

Thank you all for coming to my blogsite. I hope you enjoy my writings. Go to to check out my website "Live Your Life"
You can also see some of my articles published on EzineArticles/Jeffrey Blecha