Monday, July 27, 2009

"What's on Your Mind?"

They say a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Well, our minds are by far our most valuable, yet most underused assets. Let’s use our minds and think about this for a second, what drives us to do or accomplish anything and everything in our lives? Our minds!

Have you ever really stopped to think about how important your thought process is in your daily lives? Your thoughts and decisions are what make you, you. If you’re not happy with whom you’ve become or any of your habits, there is only one way to change it, you’ve got to change your mind. Actually, your thought patterns are what you need to change.

Just think about all the great accomplishments in the world! Anyone who’s gone above and beyond their perceived physical capabilities has done so because their minds told them they could. We put limitations on ourselves, or should I say, society has taught us to put limitations on ourselves. Imagine what we could accomplish if we didn’t fear failure! If Edison didn’t fail all those times and instead gave up. While eventually someone else would have come along and had the fortitude to keep trying until they succeeded, how long would we have had to wait?

Look at all that Helen Keller was able to accomplish despite her many physical limitations. There are incredible stories everyday about someone overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds or perceived physical limitations and accomplishing amazing feats. What is it that they have that most other people don’t? The answer is nothing! They just choose to look past what everyone else sees as limitations.

Most of us are told at a young age that “you can do whatever we want to do.” Yet as we grow up we are told by society, “you can’t do that,” “that isn’t right.” Talk about mixed signals, it’s no wonder we are all so messed up. Do your kids a favor, stop limiting their beliefs. Let them see what they can accomplish. Without trial there would be no error, but without error, there would be no solutions! Watch out though, if you shoot for the moon you just might get there!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Tell Them You Love Them"

One thing I’ve always done is to tell my kids I love them. I tell them all the time, no matter what they do or what happens, I love them. It may sound corny but I never want them to question if they’re loved. Too many times throughout the years I’ve seen or read about some teenagers who got into trouble say they didn’t feel loved.

There are too many parents out there who seldom or never tell their kids that they love them. Why don’t they? Maybe the father is too macho; he feels any show of affection is a sign of weakness. Perhaps the mothers are afraid to let their emotions show.

Whatever the reason for not saying it, there are many more reasons to say it. You never know when your last chance will be. Accidents happen every day. Why wouldn’t you want to give your kids the strength and security of knowing they have someone they can count on?

This can be applied to everyone you love, your spouse, your parents, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, other family members, or even your friends. Don’t be too proud or feel embarrassed to show it or say it. Tell them you love them!