Sunday, August 4, 2019

Hero's Needed ASAP!!!

Hero’s Needed ASAP!!! For the first time in my life I have to say that I am ashamed to be a white man in this country! White men have proven to be the main terrorist threat in the United States. I have tried to stay out of the social media to discuss my true feelings up to now but I can’t any longer. Too many people have been killed or wounded, especially as of late. I find it hard to believe that there aren’t many more people out there that are as enraged and disgusted by the lack of leadership in this country to do something about this! The total lack of effort to fight the NRA and to do a complete overhaul of gun laws is reprehensible! The hate mongering from the current White House administration is sickening and the fact that no one who actually has the forum to be heard has the strength or the morals to press as had as it takes to get this country back on the right path. I am ashamed to be a white man in this country and any other moral and good white man or women should be ashamed too! This country needs help, we need heroes! We need people to stand up for what’s right, for what’s good! I know there are many good people out there, people like myself who are sick of all the evil, sick of all the hatred encouraged by our current United States government! Our countries’ leadership is failing us! The current leadership in the White House and the Senate are doing their best to tear this country down. They and their wealthy crony owned propaganda machine are trying to break us apart and cause us to fight each other using tactics to put fear into each individual race of all other races. They are promoting this so that they can use us and manipulate us into following there plans for a new country. A country where all men and women are not created equal. Where only the white affluent people are really welcome and all others are just tolerated so that they can serve this superior class and do it’s bidding. While I hate all the Democrat vs Republican banter, it does seem that at least some of the Democratic party is at least making it look like they are trying to stop the travesty that is this current administration. But the fact is they are not doing enough. They are not going all out and making use of the forum they have to effect real change. Republicans? I have heard few with the either the backbone or the morals to stand up for what is right and good. Surely there must be good, moral, and humane Republicans out there somewhere. This country needs hero’s and we need them now not later when it’s too late and this evil that has taken over the white house has a real foothold over us all. One of the evils I speak of is the creating of racial divide by this administration. This us vs them mentality is exactly what the Nazi’s, KKK and other white supremist groups use to convince their members to perform evil, vicious attacks on people of other races. The propaganda this administration is spewing also affects the non-extremist, regular everyday people to be even more wary and less tolerant of people of other races. This fear in turn causes more fighting, killing, and terrorism in this country every day! When I was young the president was respected, I always thought this country was good and helped those who needed it whether in the United States or other countries. I thought this country was respected by other countries because of this. I thought that in this country the people were generally good and that we helped one another and cared about our fellow man. Times have definitely changed as now I can’t possibly understand how anyone can respect this current president. Under this administration we have alienated many countries and have lost their respect. With all the fear mongering and racial divide created by the propaganda machine people are afraid to be friendly or to help each other. This country needs hero’s or at least it needs each and everyone of us with the moral standards and a sense of right and wrong to make their voices heard. In turn others may finally realize what’s at stake and together we can effect change in some way, even if it’s just at the voter’s booth. We need hero’s and we need them now!

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