Sunday, October 17, 2010

“Calling All Humans!”

Are there any human beings left out there? Or has society succeeded in transforming us all into robots? The fast paced, uncaring, dog eat dog lifestyle we are being forced into is in essence turning us into Cyborg-like creatures. While we may appear to be human on the outside, inside we are being manipulated into a mechanical state of performing our corporate functions without thought of how it truly may affect us as well as everyone else.

Many companies of today treat their employees as machines, sometimes actually better than they treat machines; at least machines are provided maintenance. Humans not functioning correctly in the eyes of the company are either ignored and left to rot or discarded as if a useless piece of equipment. While I realize these companies are in business to make a profit, I believe it’s today’s society that pressures these businesses into becoming unfeeling, production at any cost entities.

As a society in general we believe that politicians are corrupt, business is a necessary evil, a fast paced lifestyle is a successful lifestyle, that excesses are necessities and that we must stay ahead of the Joneses, not just keep up with them. The seven deadly sins: pride, covetousness, envy, gluttony, anger, sloth, and lust are pretty good descriptions of what most of us feel at least one time or another. We are a flawed race, there’s no denying that.

Does this mean we have to continue on this way? Do we have to fall into the trap and say “everyone else is doing it so I have to too!”? Or can we overcome our self-doubts and do what we know is right instead of just doing what everyone else is doing? The choice is ours to make! Do things the easy way and swallow our shame, or do things the right way and swallow our pride? In the long run what do you think is best?

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