Sunday, August 4, 2019

Hero's Needed ASAP!!!

Hero’s Needed ASAP!!! For the first time in my life I have to say that I am ashamed to be a white man in this country! White men have proven to be the main terrorist threat in the United States. I have tried to stay out of the social media to discuss my true feelings up to now but I can’t any longer. Too many people have been killed or wounded, especially as of late. I find it hard to believe that there aren’t many more people out there that are as enraged and disgusted by the lack of leadership in this country to do something about this! The total lack of effort to fight the NRA and to do a complete overhaul of gun laws is reprehensible! The hate mongering from the current White House administration is sickening and the fact that no one who actually has the forum to be heard has the strength or the morals to press as had as it takes to get this country back on the right path. I am ashamed to be a white man in this country and any other moral and good white man or women should be ashamed too! This country needs help, we need heroes! We need people to stand up for what’s right, for what’s good! I know there are many good people out there, people like myself who are sick of all the evil, sick of all the hatred encouraged by our current United States government! Our countries’ leadership is failing us! The current leadership in the White House and the Senate are doing their best to tear this country down. They and their wealthy crony owned propaganda machine are trying to break us apart and cause us to fight each other using tactics to put fear into each individual race of all other races. They are promoting this so that they can use us and manipulate us into following there plans for a new country. A country where all men and women are not created equal. Where only the white affluent people are really welcome and all others are just tolerated so that they can serve this superior class and do it’s bidding. While I hate all the Democrat vs Republican banter, it does seem that at least some of the Democratic party is at least making it look like they are trying to stop the travesty that is this current administration. But the fact is they are not doing enough. They are not going all out and making use of the forum they have to effect real change. Republicans? I have heard few with the either the backbone or the morals to stand up for what is right and good. Surely there must be good, moral, and humane Republicans out there somewhere. This country needs hero’s and we need them now not later when it’s too late and this evil that has taken over the white house has a real foothold over us all. One of the evils I speak of is the creating of racial divide by this administration. This us vs them mentality is exactly what the Nazi’s, KKK and other white supremist groups use to convince their members to perform evil, vicious attacks on people of other races. The propaganda this administration is spewing also affects the non-extremist, regular everyday people to be even more wary and less tolerant of people of other races. This fear in turn causes more fighting, killing, and terrorism in this country every day! When I was young the president was respected, I always thought this country was good and helped those who needed it whether in the United States or other countries. I thought this country was respected by other countries because of this. I thought that in this country the people were generally good and that we helped one another and cared about our fellow man. Times have definitely changed as now I can’t possibly understand how anyone can respect this current president. Under this administration we have alienated many countries and have lost their respect. With all the fear mongering and racial divide created by the propaganda machine people are afraid to be friendly or to help each other. This country needs hero’s or at least it needs each and everyone of us with the moral standards and a sense of right and wrong to make their voices heard. In turn others may finally realize what’s at stake and together we can effect change in some way, even if it’s just at the voter’s booth. We need hero’s and we need them now!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Being Me"

I don’t profess to know it all; I’m still trying to figure out life for myself. Most of these writings are just things that have popped into my head at one time or another. Some of these writings are years old, some a day old. For most of my life I’ve been afraid to let my true feelings out and have hidden them from the outside world for fear of being ridiculed.

The years I’ve wasted I’ll never get back, but at least now I am trying to free myself of my self-imposed prison. Hopefully my insights into myself and the world around me can help someone else out there to understand themselves and the world around them. There’s only one way to find out, write what I think and paint what I see in my mind and find a forum to express myself, to show what I’m all about.

My hope is that others understand that even though everyone may not agree or like what you’re doing, it’s ok. We all have different opinions and we all see things at least somewhat differently. I believe we all want to be and do good, and when we don’t it’s like we have a cancer eating away inside us that slowly makes us feel more and more miserable.

I have a need to help people if I can and if I don’t I feel terrible about it. Just the other day while driving I was stopped at a light when my wife says “Oh my god! That girl just got hit!” Looking at the scene to my right I knew I had to help if I could. Diane immediately phoned 911 as I pulled my vehicle over and ran to the scene. The victim was a young woman and she was lying on the road, cuts and bruises all over her body. She and her boyfriend had been riding bikes and for some reason she rode out in front of an oncoming truck, was struck, and send flying about twenty feet.

The boyfriend was in a panic as was the driver, just as I reached them they were attempting to lift this bleeding, crying, moaning young woman to her feet. I immediately stopped them from causing her even more pain and tried to calm her down, telling her to lay still and that help was coming. The girl had a humungous lump protruding from her head.

I soon came to realize that both the girl and her boyfriend were not completely normal, they were mentally challenged, possibly retarded in some way. This made trying to keep everyone calm even more difficult. The boyfriend seemed most worried about calling the girl’s parents and repeatedly asked if I could read his cell phone. I managed to keep the woman down and safe until help arrived as two policemen came to the scene.

These officers were of little assistance as neither one came to talk to me or even check on the girl! They just stood over by the boyfriend and the driver of the vehicle and talked with them. I could not believe this and so I continued to comfort the girl until an ambulance came to take over.

Even after the situation was calmed down the officers never even wanted to speak with me! I knew Diane had witnessed the whole incident and so I took her to the officers and told them she had seen the accident. They took down her name and phone number and she told them what she had seen. I was shocked by the officers’ lack of caring for the victim or for making any attempt to speak to witnesses. They obviously didn’t care about their jobs or the people they were supposed to be helping.

As I said earlier, I feel the need to help if I can. I believe most people are like me in this matter, and would have done most of the same things. I’m pretty squeamish when it comes to much blood or big cuts but in an emergency situation I think I can overcome it. Heck, I can’t even watch the fake operations on TV, I have to turn away.

Everyone is different and life is a constant journey of the discovery of who we really are. My search is still on but at a much slower pace right now due to time restrictions and just the lack of energy caused by life’s daily grind. We just need to keep finding our way and try to do what we can and help who we can along the way. I hope to find more time to discover myself and learn about life, wishing, hoping, dreaming, being me!

“Calling All Humans!”

Are there any human beings left out there? Or has society succeeded in transforming us all into robots? The fast paced, uncaring, dog eat dog lifestyle we are being forced into is in essence turning us into Cyborg-like creatures. While we may appear to be human on the outside, inside we are being manipulated into a mechanical state of performing our corporate functions without thought of how it truly may affect us as well as everyone else.

Many companies of today treat their employees as machines, sometimes actually better than they treat machines; at least machines are provided maintenance. Humans not functioning correctly in the eyes of the company are either ignored and left to rot or discarded as if a useless piece of equipment. While I realize these companies are in business to make a profit, I believe it’s today’s society that pressures these businesses into becoming unfeeling, production at any cost entities.

As a society in general we believe that politicians are corrupt, business is a necessary evil, a fast paced lifestyle is a successful lifestyle, that excesses are necessities and that we must stay ahead of the Joneses, not just keep up with them. The seven deadly sins: pride, covetousness, envy, gluttony, anger, sloth, and lust are pretty good descriptions of what most of us feel at least one time or another. We are a flawed race, there’s no denying that.

Does this mean we have to continue on this way? Do we have to fall into the trap and say “everyone else is doing it so I have to too!”? Or can we overcome our self-doubts and do what we know is right instead of just doing what everyone else is doing? The choice is ours to make! Do things the easy way and swallow our shame, or do things the right way and swallow our pride? In the long run what do you think is best?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Turtle Perseverance"

I was sitting outside the front of my house one morning just observing nature and contemplating my life. I watched the clouds, the ants at my feet, the birds flying by. There were two little lizards running around as if playing a game of tag. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a cat appear from the brush that ran along the little canal across the street, nothing special about that except it next brought my attention to a dark object that wasn’t there a few moments ago. It piqued my interest so I decided to walk closer to get a better look. It was a turtle. As I watched the turtle it started to move, slowly and deliberately it proceeded on its journey, stopping at times before venturing onward.

As I studied this creature I suddenly realized just how similar it was to the human race. The turtle struggles through life slowly searching for a path to reach its ultimate goal. It often has to alter its course as unforeseen obstacles get in its path, he either goes over the impediment or he goes around it. The main thing is he has a set goal that he’s trying to reach and no matter what gets in his way or how long it takes he perseveres. The turtle has the fortitude to keep going after his goal no matter what, sometimes even if it kills him.

Now through their journey they take adequate time to rest and eat so they’ll have the strength to reach their final destination. And at times they feel fear and go into hiding inside their protective shell. But eventually they find the courage to go back out into the world and to realization of their goal. The turtle knows that it will never reach its destination and the accompanying reward if it doesn’t at least try.

I’m sure you to can see the many similarities between the turtles journey and our own. So when life gets you down and you feel like giving up, take a lesson from the turtle and go for your goal no matter how long it takes or how many obstacles get in your way!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Quite The Paradox!!!"

*When we feel bad about ourselves it seems to make it harder to help others, yet when we help others doesn’t it make us feel better about ourselves?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

“To Thine Own Self Be True”

Why do we all copy each other and try to be alike? It’s not in our similarities but in our differences that make us unique and give us true worth. Imagine how boring life would be if every one was the same. Yet, for some strange reason people who are out of the ordinary, or who have an unusual idea or way of doing things are often chastised and ridiculed.

Why? I think its society’s way of dealing with the fact that they are jealous that they themselves didn’t have the creativity or the courage to be different. Could this be the reason there is so much anxiety, depression, stress and anger in the world? Are many of us suppressing our true inner feelings for the fear of being different, or of becoming an outcast?

I believe one reason for the numerous suicides and widespread drug use is that we feel trapped and helpless due to the fact that society is geared toward conformity. This makes it hard for people to express their true selves as well as their true passions. Shouldn’t we embrace our individuality instead of feeling as if we have to hide them?

Imagine all the new inventions, discoveries, and visions the world is missing out on. There is a possibility that some of the most creative, ingenious minds in the world may not have the inner strength to face our conformist society. All the gifts and talent in the world are of no value if they go unused.

In society we fear and ridicule that which we don’t understand. The United States is supposed to be a country of freedom, the only way to truly feel free is to express your true self. Embrace your uniqueness and cultivate your gifts and talents. Who knows what your mind may come up with if you simply get out of its way? “To Thine Own Self Be True!”

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

“I AM”

I am he who is me
And me who is I
Who sits and just thinks
When they know they can fly

I am all that I am
And all that is me
Still trying to understand
The world that I see

My knowledge though growing
Is far from complete
My accomplishments showing
My trials to compete

As my life goes on
It’s become plain to see
That all that I am
 Is not all that I’ll be